Finding the right pieces in a man that fit perfectly with your own is a hard task. But being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it just means that you have decided to look past the imperfections. You might think that you know exactly what you are looking for in a man, but a tip is.......

Maybe you should look for what is not on your checklist. Face it no guy is perfect, and that is what makes a fairytale!

Maybe sticking to a guy you think is the one isn't right, because it'll probably turn out that even though he swore he never would, he'll end up hurting you the most.
Have faith in life, have faith in love
but most of all........
Have Faith In Yourself because you are the only person who won't hurt you.

Another day
Another normal day has passed, school, love, friends, tennis and today I changed my lamp (exciting) Right now I am watching Pretty Little Liars, love the show. Maybe even more than the OC, i donno only on the 3rd episode.

Painted my nails this morning. Borrowed my sisters George Gina Lucy bag.

Have an awesome weekend!

Painted my nails this morning. Borrowed my sisters George Gina Lucy bag.
Have an awesome weekend!

Sweet dreams
Going to watch the last episode of the OC, feels holy. Going to go to sleep after that.

Sweet dreams.

Grill party

had an awesome weekend with sleepovers, grill parties. The bad thing was that I was sick on Sunday but I´m good now. However now we´re back in school, back to homework and waking up early. I think I am going to play a bit of sims 2 but I donno.


OC california
my god OC is soooo edicting....:)
its the best episodes EVER.

its the best episodes EVER.

Animal of The Week
this week animal is the Panda

starting the year and cant wait for the first dance. A guy could ask me to dance with him or more DATE. LOL.
I desperatly need a boyfriend.

Who wore it better?

Who do you think wears it better?
Kim vs Kristen
I think it suits Kim better but what do you think??

Woken up
Started school on tuesday, now on friday I am soooooo tierd. I´ve had an awesome summer, sailing, swimming, sunbathing. It was horrible weather most of the time, windy, rainy and cold! but then the weather became ok.

Me and Cassia are best friends for 3 years now, sadly she is moving at the end of this year but then its good to have a blog because i can always read about her and her about me!

I like to write stories, I like to get into this world where I can chose what happens, and where anything can happen.
Cassia is more the creative type, she makes stuff and she dances (bellydancing).

At the sleepover we watched the OC like crazy. It is like the best show ever!!! You like have to see it, it actually gets addicting.
Have a nice day,

Welcome to our blog
Hej, vi är två tjejer som bor utomlands så vi kommer att skriva mest på engelska och lite på franska. Ni kommer att få veta om våra liv och om saker vi går igenom. Också får ni se hur det är att bo utomlands.
hey girlies... I´m Cassia, I´m 14 years old. This blog is about us, our lives, and our world. We are two girls dying to know you. We will try to write three time a week. my favorite thong to do and my talent is dancing, hip hop and belly dancing, drawing and making stuff.
heyy, I´m Abelia, I´m also 14 years old. One of the things I like to do is write so it is a good idea to start a blog. I have lived somewhere else for a while now and I don´t have a lot of memories about sweden but they´ll come back.